Saturday, April 10, 2010

Like water off of a duck's backside...

This past week we looked at different types of feathers. The explorers wrote in their science journals about each of the feather's properties. Once again, we looked at the feathers properties on the macro, micro and then nano scale. Most of the feathers were super hydrophobic. As most people know from the phrase, "like water off of a duck's backside," the duck feathers were super hydrophobic. Next week we will modify the wind turbines to make them more efficient using what we have learned from nature. I will also send home a note reminding parents about the lab visit on the 19th and I am asking for one more day with the microexplorers to do a special investigation lead by a researcher who works on "vampire energy suckers."  This investigation will take place on the 20th of April after school. 

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